Living Lighter

The next 8-weeks could change your life...


Learn how to lighten your load

home . mind . body . soul

early bird pricing!!


That's $3.5/day!

Let's GO!

starting Nov 10


That's $7/day!

Let's GO!

because listen...

"Instead of looking only at the cost of a book, a course, or a mentor...consider the cost of being in the same place 1 year from now."


I KNOW it's hard to spend time + money on ourselves...

Especially when money is tight.

But here’s the thing:

We're always signing our child up for a sport, music class, or summer camp...yet feel guilty about investing in ourselves. Why is that?

Why is it so hard for us to take care of ourselves when we take such good care of our people?

As moms, we drive the energy of the home. And if we’re not ok, there’s no way the family will be ok. Like the flight attendants tell us on every flight…we MUST put our air mask on first.

We can’t pour from an empty cup. We can’t drive with an empty tank. And you can’t love well, parent well, and live well when YOU’RE on empty either. THIS is EXACTLY why this course is for you.

A little about Teresa...

This bustling Mama of Six (2 bio + 4 from Ethiopia) is an author, speaker, Bible teacher, and entrepreneur. Teresa is a lover of drinks on patios, skiing in the mountains, and decorating both her own home and her Airbnbs around the country.

Teresa has been featured on Proverbs 31,, and many other faith-based magazines and websites.

Her books (three of which have been Best Sellers on Amazon) are available wherever books are sold. Her fifth book: Finding Your Place in God's Story -- 5 Weeks with the Women in Jesus' Lineage released Fall 2022.